Wednesday, July 7, 2010

blog #10 how to:

How to make taco's: first you would need to make the decision to make taco's once you have done that, you would make sure you have all of the ingredients to put your meal together, such as hamburger, taco seasoning, lettuce, tomatoes, cheese, and taco shells either hard or soft depending on your preference. After all of your ingredients are out on the counter, find a frying pan place the hamburger in the pan turn on the stove to medium heat and being cooking the hamburger remembering to stir the meat so that it browns evenly and the meat is in small pieces, while the meat is browning, you can find your cutting board and perry knife and beginning chopping your lettuce in small chunks of course you will need to make sure the lettuce has been washed first. when you have enough lettuce find a bowl to put it in and set a side. go back to the stove and stir the hamburger it may be finished browning by now, if so get your strainer put it in the sink carry the meat over and put it in the strainer rinse the meat until the grease has been rinsed off. Put the meat back in the pan put it back on the stove and add the taco seasoning and around a cup of water mix it completely when it starts to boil turn off the stove and let it sit. return to your cutting board and begin to chop the tomatoes into small pieces when you have finished with your tomatoes put them in a bowl and sit it a side. pull your cheese grater out of the pantry and cut a chunk of cheese of of the brick and begin grating the cheese, when you have finished that put the cheese in a bowl. The last step is to heat the taco shells place a shell on a plate and then put it in the microwave for 10 seconds removed add the meat , lettuce, tomato and cheese, fold in half if you wish and take a bite. Enjoy you taco.

blog 9 "Bombs Bursting in Air" -" Pursuit of Possessions""

1. bombs in their mist like troops under attack
2. bomb that exploded in Shannon's home sent splinters of shrapnel into ours
3. feeling of being cocooned within reassuring walls of security and order
4. as we grew older the bombs dropped closer
5. I found myself shaken to the core of my being
6. really tilted my universe was the nakedness of my realization
7. sense of vulnerability began to subside
8. intertwining threads of joy, pain, and occasional tragedy
9. impenetrable bomb shelter
10. blind us, like fireworks at the moment of explosion

1. pursuit of material possessions
2. working madly
3. shopping expeditions
4. indispensable possessions
5. dominate our lives
6. compulsive need
7. fashionable pants
8. sleek new sports care
9. inevitable happens
10. essential to our well-being

blog 8 "Shooting an Elephant"

1. ravaging the bazaar
2. scandalizing cry
3. scored a trench
4. unendurable agony
5. stripped the skin from his back as neatly as one skins a rabbit
6. devilish roar of glee
7. sagged flabbily to his knees. His mouth slobbered
8. his trunk reaching skyward like a tree
9. a crash that seemed to shake the ground
10. see far down the caverns of pale pink throat

Thursday, June 24, 2010

blog 7

When I worked in a nursing home I took care of a few individuals that were not unlike the boy in "Handling Room 15" These men were born with a disability or came down with some disease. They were left at the nursing home by their families, every night I would go to work to take care of their basic needs, trying to communicate with them even know they couldn't talk back. One man would always smile when you said something funny, another would slap his leg and bark when you told a joke. This would break your heart to see what had happened to these men. when I stopped working their I never went back and like the girl in the story " I wonder if he remembers me" because I will never forget them. A feeling of guilt is always in my heart when I think about this time period in my life.
Like the family in Washington DC I also avoid confrontation turn the other cheek until one day after reading a few articles about what our government is doing with our taxes money, the lack of respect for the American people and the government not taking responsibility in their actions. I wrote a letter to my congressman demanding answers and accountability. "The little girl wrote to the president" I wrote to my congressman I am such not much happened with either letter.

Monday, June 21, 2010


Even though President Obama is a well spoken, intelligent man, with some experience in government. And the country was looking for a change, they were tired of the wars that are going on, and a bad economy, and all the rest of the government corruption that is going on. They saw a man that promised change. No definition of what change meant just change and since if was presented in such a eloquent way. they majority of the country liked it and voted for it. Now we are faced with so much change that most of us don't like what we see. Policies are thrown together without looking at all the angles that could or should be involved. Rash decisions that will effect the future of our country thus, have left the country in more financial ruin than before, a country slit in half and left us more ununited than ever before, and the laughing stock of the entire world. This is the change that has been voted for, I hope before the next elections the voting population will get more involved in the candidates and make them define and answer their questions, and not vote just because someone can present themselves well.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

compare and contrast

Even know in both pictures the girls look like they are happy to be out in the sun with their swim suites on. The girl in the pink swimming suit looks like she works out, eat right, and know how to shop for a swimming suit that flatter her body shape. With those few observations the girl in the pink swim suit will most likely receive 'Hi's" from people or "look how cute she is".
Even know the four girls look like they are having a great time hanging out together. They do not look like they care about working out, or eating right, or learning how to buy a swimming suit that will flatter their body shape. Unfortunately these girls will also receive comments form people, but it is unlikely that they will be nice. The comments may go something like "look at those girls I can't believe they would wear that" or "those whale should put clothes on".
Both pictures show ladies who seem to be comfortable with who they are regardless of that others think

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

porn on a plane

I believe that porn in any visual type should be on a plane or anywhere else. In the public forum is not a place to view materal like that, unless you are in a place designated for such actives. My children fly around the country and I do not want them to view is type of behavior.ot to view the actions that come along with type of entertainment. If I worked on an airline I would find this exstremly offensive. Not just by seeing the material as I was doing my job, but the actions that come with viewing porn. If you add achohol to that you have set all of the employees up for verbal or physical haressment both male and female and may start " bar room brawl behavior" by passengers that can not controll themselves. if someone choses this type of entertainment is should definatly not be done on an airplane. If you can't wait a few hours to view porn you need to find some type of help, to help with your addiction. until the law on public deceny change that is just the way it is.