Monday, June 21, 2010


Even though President Obama is a well spoken, intelligent man, with some experience in government. And the country was looking for a change, they were tired of the wars that are going on, and a bad economy, and all the rest of the government corruption that is going on. They saw a man that promised change. No definition of what change meant just change and since if was presented in such a eloquent way. they majority of the country liked it and voted for it. Now we are faced with so much change that most of us don't like what we see. Policies are thrown together without looking at all the angles that could or should be involved. Rash decisions that will effect the future of our country thus, have left the country in more financial ruin than before, a country slit in half and left us more ununited than ever before, and the laughing stock of the entire world. This is the change that has been voted for, I hope before the next elections the voting population will get more involved in the candidates and make them define and answer their questions, and not vote just because someone can present themselves well.

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