Wednesday, July 7, 2010

blog #10 how to:

How to make taco's: first you would need to make the decision to make taco's once you have done that, you would make sure you have all of the ingredients to put your meal together, such as hamburger, taco seasoning, lettuce, tomatoes, cheese, and taco shells either hard or soft depending on your preference. After all of your ingredients are out on the counter, find a frying pan place the hamburger in the pan turn on the stove to medium heat and being cooking the hamburger remembering to stir the meat so that it browns evenly and the meat is in small pieces, while the meat is browning, you can find your cutting board and perry knife and beginning chopping your lettuce in small chunks of course you will need to make sure the lettuce has been washed first. when you have enough lettuce find a bowl to put it in and set a side. go back to the stove and stir the hamburger it may be finished browning by now, if so get your strainer put it in the sink carry the meat over and put it in the strainer rinse the meat until the grease has been rinsed off. Put the meat back in the pan put it back on the stove and add the taco seasoning and around a cup of water mix it completely when it starts to boil turn off the stove and let it sit. return to your cutting board and begin to chop the tomatoes into small pieces when you have finished with your tomatoes put them in a bowl and sit it a side. pull your cheese grater out of the pantry and cut a chunk of cheese of of the brick and begin grating the cheese, when you have finished that put the cheese in a bowl. The last step is to heat the taco shells place a shell on a plate and then put it in the microwave for 10 seconds removed add the meat , lettuce, tomato and cheese, fold in half if you wish and take a bite. Enjoy you taco.

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