Thursday, June 24, 2010

blog 7

When I worked in a nursing home I took care of a few individuals that were not unlike the boy in "Handling Room 15" These men were born with a disability or came down with some disease. They were left at the nursing home by their families, every night I would go to work to take care of their basic needs, trying to communicate with them even know they couldn't talk back. One man would always smile when you said something funny, another would slap his leg and bark when you told a joke. This would break your heart to see what had happened to these men. when I stopped working their I never went back and like the girl in the story " I wonder if he remembers me" because I will never forget them. A feeling of guilt is always in my heart when I think about this time period in my life.
Like the family in Washington DC I also avoid confrontation turn the other cheek until one day after reading a few articles about what our government is doing with our taxes money, the lack of respect for the American people and the government not taking responsibility in their actions. I wrote a letter to my congressman demanding answers and accountability. "The little girl wrote to the president" I wrote to my congressman I am such not much happened with either letter.

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