Tuesday, June 8, 2010


There are many issues facing Healthcare in America, one is people thinking that they are entitled to have free heathcare. Two is that some healthcare problems can be solved by simple life style changes. another is as adults are we teaching children that it is more important to have a lot of activites to keep us busy than to eat a healthy meal and have whole some activites not just activities to keep us busy.
A portion of our tax money goes to help people who truly need a helping hand during a certain period of time, but the in it for life hand outs have to stop. Getting hand outs cause more problems than it helps generations of families using and abusing the healthcare tax money has reach epademic status. Some people think that they can buy nice homes fancy cars and eat in teh best restraunts, but not pay to see a Dr. or better yet go to a hospital because they have a sinus infection, because they have learned that they can be treated with out having to pay for the serivces, thus honest hard working people that pay they bill are forced to pay a portion for there healthcare costs jsut so the hospital don't go under. Many of the Health care problems that face America are self inflicted, supersizing your meals, smoking, drinking, eating fatty foods, to much salt, soda, and not enough exercise. We need to focus on education our families to correct healthy life style choices.

1 comment:

  1. I think, per our conversation yesterday, that you might want to mention either the healthcare bill or health in general in the united states (or maybe both). If you discuss the bill be sure to mention how you think it is NOT solving any of the problems you are going to address in your paper. You might want to mention how these are what you see as real problems and that the health care bill failed to address them. Alternatively, you might want to mention how there are some serious health problems in the US that no one is talking about and you think that we should solve them instead of focusing our energies on a health care bill or bills that aren't going to solve these problems.
